LASE Cosmetic Blog
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Effective COVID-19 hygiene habits
There is little doubt we now face unprecedented challenges in our daily life many this will be for the first time in our lives. The changes enforced have affected every single person in the UK. In this blog we will look at how things have affected us and how we see...
Where do you go for expert cosmetic surgery in Newcastle?
When we built our luxury new clinic in Jesmond, we engaged a local building company to realise our dream. As our requirements were very specific in developing a specialist cosmetic surgery clinic in Newcastle with operating facilities as well as treatment rooms, the...
Do I have to be asleep for my operation?
This is a question we get asked quite often and the answer these days is maybe not! There is little doubt that some patients fear a general anaesthetic more than the surgery. Over the past decade, there have been huge advancements in the provision of cosmetic plastic...
Does the cosmetic industry need more regulation?
This below article calls for more and robust regulation for the aesthetic industry. It is hard to disagree. At LASE Cosmetic, we have long stressed the importance of the training, the experience and the results of your practitioner....
Where do you turn when diet and exercise isn’t achieving the results you desire?
As we enter the new year and people are scrambling to dig out their gym membership to perfect their ideal body image, we ask the question: “where do you turn when diet and exercise isn’t achieving the results you desire?” We meet people every week who are following...
Surgical Vs Non-Surgical Treatments: Is the industry safe?
According to stats released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) in May 2019 the number of cosmetic surgeries remains stable despite the growing market for non-surgical treatments available on the high street. The report also shares...
Sagging skin from weight loss
You’ve lost a lot of weight, what can you do to remove or improve the appearance of sagging skin? Weight loss is the primary reason why many people choose to undergo plastic/cosmetic surgery and depending on the area of concern there are a number of different options...
Breast Augmentation v Mastopexy
Breast Augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic procedure for years with the last data provided by BAAPS advising that nearly 10,000 operations were carried out in 2015. Breast Augmentation can be carried out alone or in combination with a Mastopexy, commonly...
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