
Eyelid surgery helps create a more youthful appearance by reducing sagging skin

It is common for the eyelids to bulge or droop over time, sometimes even affecting vision. At LASE Cosmetic we can refresh your appearance by offering eyelid reshaping surgery.

Otherwise known as blepharoplasty surgery, there are several procedures under this umbrella designed to rejuvenate the upper or lower eye area. If you would like to discuss eyelid reshaping surgery.


Blepharoplasty procedures are performed by plastic surgeons who specialise in facial rejuvenation surgery. The goal is to create a more youthful appearance by reducing sagging skin, lifting the area and reducing hooded lids.

There are several types of eyelid reshaping surgery which include:

  • Lower blepharoplasty (surgery to reduce sagging skin below the eyes)
  • Upper blepharoplasty (surgery to reduce loose skin above the eyes)
  • Combined blepharoplasty (both upper and lower eyelid reshaping procedures)
  • Blepharoplasty with brow lift

When you attend your first consultation your surgeon will assess your concerns in person and then offer you options for a customised treatment plan. You can find out more about our facial rejuvenation procedures via the treatment pages.


Eyelid Reshaping Surgery

from £2950 (bilateral)

Frequently Asked Questions

Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.

How can eyelid reshaping surgery improve your appearance?

Depending on which type of eye rejuvenation surgery you choose, the procedures can help to lift, smooth and tone the area above or below the eyes. Muscles under the skin’s surface can also be tightened up, if this is required. The aim is to produce a youthful-looking appearance.

Some patients choose to combine surgical and non-surgical anti-ageing treatments. Combining this procedure with things like muscle relaxing injections or facial peels can also be beneficial.

Who is suitable for this type of surgery?

Patients over 45 are usually most suitable for eyelid rejuvenation surgery. Both male and female patients visit us to discuss blepharoplasty procedures and a consultation is imperative to decide whether eye bag removal treatments are the most suitable for you.

What happens during eyelid reshaping surgery?

Blepharoplasty procedures are surgical and will take place in the clinic or hospital depending on the type of blepharoplasty chosen. You will meet your surgeon before undergoing this type of cosmetic surgery. Surgery takes around 1.5-2 hours, however this varies between patients.

Your surgeon will make incisions above or below the eye area before excess skin is removed and muscles below the skin are tightened up. The incisions are closed before you’re taken back to the ward to recover.

What is recovery like?

It is likely that there will be some puffiness around the eyes and initial bruising which is normal. You can have painkillers to manage any discomfort. Aftercare information will be offered for you to follow at home. This includes how to manage sleeping, washing and when you can return to work. Usually around 2-4 weeks is needed to recover.

How long do the results of eyelid reshaping surgery last?

This is a surgical procedure, so the results are long lasting. For most patients the results keep the upper face looking rejuvenated for longer than someone who has not had this type of surgery.

Who should you trust to perform eyelid reshaping surgery?

Here at LASE Cosmetic in Newcastle we aim to provide you with top treatment care from start to finish. Our team of experts are all highly skilled and work to a high standard. You can read more about the team online.

Can blepharoplasty be done under local anaesthesia?

Yes. Upper blepharoplasty is typically performed using local anaesthesia. While lower blepharoplasty can also be carried out under local anaesthesia, it may be more complex at times, leading to the use of general anaesthesia in certain cases.

What is upper blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty is a procedure to rejuvenate the upper eyelids, often because there is excess skin of the upper lid but also sometimes because the tissues have become weak over time and deeper tissues are pushing forward. The surgery is usually performed under a local anaesthetic, takes about 1-2hrs and patients can usually go home to same day. Downtime is usually about a week.

What is lower blepharoplasty surgery?

A lower blepharoplasty is performed on the lower eyelids to address loose, sagging skin and puffiness, often referred to as eye bags, located between the lower eyelashes and the upper cheeks. This procedure can also improve the appearance of dark, crepey skin and reduce swelling under the eyes.

Can blepharoplasty be done twice?

The results from a blepharoplasty would normally be expected to last a few years. Over time though the tissues can relax and the process of aging might mean the original appearance recurs. In most cases repeat surgery can be considered.

What is double eyelid surgery?

This is not a term traditionally used by surgeons. It is likely to refer to eyelid surgery to address the upper and lower eyelids.

What can you not do after eyelid surgery?

It is always best to allow yourself to rest and recover after any sort of surgery. Your surgeon will discuss their recommended recovery protocol but rest is always important. If you have particular hobbies or a job that you are keen to return to soon after surgery it is best this is discussed with your surgeon before making a decision about proceeding with surgery.

Where can you get more information?

The eyes can be transformed with blepharoplasty surgery. Contact us here if you wish to request a consultation to discuss this type of facial rejuvenation surgery.

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