Male chest reduction surgery, to help you improve your self-esteem
Increasingly often, men are looking to reduce the size of their chests, and at LASE Cosmetic we offer treatments to help, such as liposuction and male chest fat reduction surgery. Male breasts are often referred to as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’.
At LASE Cosmetic we offer minimal access procedures that can keep scarring to a minimum and make recovery easier. Our clinics are welcoming and all advice and treatments are designed around you and your needs as an individual.
Your satisfaction and confidentiality are paramount, and you can be sure that the service we provide is discreet and relaxed. If you would like to discuss how to treat gynaecomastia or find out how male breast reduction surgery could improve your self-esteem.
Male chest reduction surgery is specifically offered to treat gynaecomastia conditions. This form of cosmetic surgery is for men who find they have excess tissue in the chest area. Men seek male chest reductions to shrink the chest area and create a more masculine aesthetic. In some cases, we can combine surgery with a fat transfer if this is deemed more appropriate.
Male Chest Reduction Surgery
from £3500 (liposuction only)
Frequently Asked Questions
Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.
How can male chest reduction surgery improve your appearance?
Male breast reduction surgery reduces the volume to the chest area – this is usually on both sides but can just be one. Please note we offer various types of procedures including liposuction if you’re more concerned with the appearance of male breasts. Men generally choose it to feel more comfortable and confident as well as to look better in and out of clothes.
Who is suitable for this type of surgery?
Typically patients who suffer with gynaecomastia have reached a point where diet or exercise simply isn’t going to help. ‘Man boobs’ can be a hormonal issue, as well as due to lifestyle but male chest fat reduction surgery can be a massive help.
It is not suitable for men who are vastly overweight, as much of the issue can often be resolved with lifestyle changes. Book a consultation to determine whether male breast reduction surgery is the most appropriate procedure for you.
What happens during male chest reduction surgery?
During chest reduction surgery, excess tissue is removed in order to make the area less prominent. The technique your surgeon chooses will depend on your personal goals and how much your size is due to decrease, but it often includes liposuction or fat transfer to reduce fat if this is deemed the main issue.
Male chest fat reduction surgery takes 1.5-2 hours, on average, but this will vary depending on the patient.
What is the recovery like?
Afterwards, you may notice some swelling and tenderness, which is normal, and painkillers can be prescribed to manage any pain. You may be kept overnight to ensure you’re recovering well.
Full aftercare information is provided after the surgery, including how to care for your scars and guidance on when to return to exercising or work. Usually, patients usually take around 4-6 weeks to recover but this varies patient to patient.
A check up allows your surgeon to make sure you’re healing well.
How long do the results of male chest surgery last?
The results are long term, although if you gain a significant amount of weight, this may change the result.
Who should you trust to perform male chest surgery?
It’s advised you pick an expert if you’re considering male chest reduction surgery. The surgeons at LASE Cosmetic here in Newcastle are specialists in this form of cosmetic surgery.
If you decide to go ahead, a skilled surgeon will talk you through the procedure and discuss your options based on your personal circumstances.
Where can you get more information?
Please contact us if you wish to request a consultation and to find out how much does male chest reduction cost, along with how to address your gynaecomastia concerns – we are happy to discuss any type of cosmetic surgery with you.
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