Labial reduction and reshaping labiaplasty surgery by expert surgeons

Labiaplasty is a procedure that can address functional or aesthetic concerns of this part of the body. These may have naturally developed to be overly large or might have developed after pregnancy and childbirth. The procedure can also be used to address significant differences in symmetry. Our expert labiaplasty surgery is performed by our expert Newcastle surgeons and will give you the total trust you need for this very personal procedure.

We are experienced in performing this procedure and offer chaperoned consultations to discuss your concerns.


Labiaplasty surgery can be performed under a local anaesthetic or a general anaesthetic according to patient preference.  Results are permanent.

Labiaplasty Cost

Labiaplasty Surgery

from £3500

Frequently Asked Questions

Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.

How long does labiaplasty surgery take?

In most cases our labiaplasty surgery will be completed in less than an hour.

Is there much down time after labiaplasty surgery?

Normally patients are comfortable enough to return home the same day, but circumstances might mean an overnight stay is preferable (for instance if you live alone). A day or two of rest and most activity can be returned to within a week or two. Very strenuous activity might be best avoided for a month.

What techniques do you offer for labiaplasty?

This will be discussed with your surgeon and will depend on what your concerns involve. The two most common techniques are often referred to as the ‘trim’ and ‘wedge’ techniques. They are both appropriate for different reasons and should be discussed with your chosen surgeon.

Who can have labiaplasty surgery?

At LASE we only offer the surgery to women over 18 years old. Our surgeons will listen to your concerns and examine you with a chaperone present. They will then discuss suitable options for your consideration.

Does labiaplasty surgery hurt?

The operation should not hurt. When performed under a general anaesthetic there is no discomfort during the procedure. If performed under a local anaesthetic, there will be some discomfort as the local anaesthetic is administered. This is usually tolerated very well.

Who should I approach to perform labiaplasty surgery?

Our UK trained consultant plastic surgeons are all skilled labiaplasty surgeons and very experienced in performing this procedure.

Where can I get more information about labiaplasty?

Contact us if you would like to arrange a consultation with one of our experts.

How long does labiaplasty take to heal?

All surgeons will advise slightly different timescales for various activity to resume after labiaplasty dependent on how well healed it is at that stage. This will be discussed with you by your chosen surgeon. Our lead surgeon, Mr Ali-Khan, usually informs his patients that tissues have healed sufficiently for gentle activity to resume within the first couple of weeks. Sutures have usually dissolved by that time. Vigorous activity such as exercise or sexual activity should be avoided for a month after surgery.

Is labiaplasty recovery painful?

All surgery results in discomfort and, in some cases, pain. Our patients are provided with pain relief that they take home after labiaplasty, which is normally a day surgery procedure. In most cases discomfort after surgery is well tolerated, does not interfere with sleep and is less than patients expect before the surgery.

Can labiaplasty cause nerve damage?

Removal of any tissue can result in nerves being cut as a cause of nerve damage. In most cases however nerve damage is a low risk in labial reduction surgery. An exception is clitoral hood reduction where nerve damage is a greater risk as the nerves are very superficial and can be damaged by the procedure. For this reason, most of our surgeons do not offer clitoral hood reduction.

How to sleep after labiaplasty?

We do not advise any specific manner of sleeping after labiaplasty. Whatever position you are most comfortable in is usually acceptable.

How long after labiaplasty can I exercise?

Each surgeon will have a slightly different protocol which can be discussed at your consultation. Mr Ali-Khan, our lead surgeon, advises surgery and sexual activity can usually be resumed a month after surgery.

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