Unhappy with your implants? Then you may wish to undergo breast augmentation revision surgery
Sometimes patients wish to have their breast implants removed or their breast augmentation revised for example breast augmentation revision to go bigger. This may be due to having had breast implants for a long time, or because they’re unhappy with the result of a previous operation.
If you are looking to remove breast implants or revise a previous breast augmentation, you can be confident that at LASE Cosmetic we offer reliable and trusted surgical options. When performing breast augmentation revision surgery we strive for the highest patient satisfaction and can offer a range of breast surgery options to address your specific requirements.
If you would like to discuss how breast augmentation revision surgery or breast rejuvenation surgery could improve your self esteem.
Breast augmentation revision surgery is designed to remove unwanted implants or correct previous surgical work you’re unhappy with. Women seek breast augmentation revisions for various reasons, including both cosmetic and health concerns.
Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery
from £3000 (removal of implant only)
Frequently Asked Questions
Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.
How can breast augmentation revision surgery improve your appearance?
Breast augmentation revision is specifically offered to reverse previous breast surgery results, or remove silicone implants that may need replacing or have become unsafe. This type of breast surgery can improve a patient’s self esteem but it’s often offered more with a patient’s well being or health in mind.
Who is suitable for this type of surgery?
Women who wish to revise previous surgery, perhaps to increase the breast size, or maybe just wish to remove implants are most suitable for this type of breast surgery. It is not suitable for women who wish to reduce their breasts (breast reduction surgery) or lift the breasts (mastopexy). A consultation is vital to determine whether this is the most appropriate procedure for you.
What happens during breast augmentation revision surgery?
During breast augmentation revision surgery, incisions are made in the crease under the breasts before implants are removed or replaced. The position of the implants will be discussed with you prior to surgery.
Your surgeon’s technique depends on your personal goals and why you’re undergoing this type of breast surgery. The incisions are closed and bandaged before you return to the ward to recover.
This type of breast surgery takes 2-2.5 hours, on average, but this will vary depending on the patient. Please contact us to discuss the type of breast augmentation revision we have available that suits your needs.
What is the recovery like?
Post-surgery you will notice some swelling and tenderness which is normal, and painkillers will be prescribed to manage any initial discomfort. You might be kept overnight to monitor your wellbeing.
Patients are given full aftercare information, including how to care for scars and advice on when to return to work. On average, patients usually take around 4-6 weeks to recover but this varies patient to patient.
Exercise should be avoided initially, and you should wear the compression garments provided. A check up allows your surgeon to make sure you’re healing and the implants are settling well.
How long do the results of breast augmentation revision surgery last?
Implants might, at some point, need replacing. This is usually after 10+ years unless there are problems with the implants and they require replacing or removing.
Who should you trust to perform breast augmentation revision surgery?
When it comes to this kind of surgery it’s best to choose an expert. The cosmetic breast surgeons at LASE Cosmetic in Newcastle are breast rejuvenation specialists. If you decide to go ahead with a breast augmentation revision procedure, a skilled surgeon will give you honest advice, including breast augmentation revision cost.
Where can you get more information?
Please contact us if you wish to request a breast augmentation revision consultation. We are happy to discuss any type of breast surgery with you including breast revision procedures, and there’s also more information on our treatment pages.
Do breasts go back to normal after implant removal?
It depends on how long the implants have been in and what size they were. In most cases it should be assumed the breasts will have been stretched by the implants. If the implants are removed the breasts may return to normal but it is likely they will be slightly more drooped than before without replacement implants or a form of lift procedure.
What is capsular contracture?
All breast implants heal with a scar around them known as the capsule. This is normal. In most cases the capsule / scar layer is untroublesome. Over time however the capsule can change or cause problems which can include becoming thick (so it can be felt through the breast tissue), changing the shape of the breast if it contracts, and causing discomfort or pain. All of these symptoms are known as capsular contracture, and some are more severe or troublesome than others.
What is capsulectomy?
This is a surgical procedure to remove a troublesome capsule or scar later around a breast implant. It is usually performed under a general anaesthetic, often requires drains and a short inpatient stay after surgery.
Which implants do we use?
We use two of the leading breast implant manufacturers, GC Aesthetics and Motiva. Our surgeon will consult with you on the best option for your procedure, but the choice is ultimately up to you.
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