For uneven breasts, you can balance them via breast asymmetry surgery
The effects of asymmetrical breasts can be debilitating to a woman’s self esteem, often affecting their body confidence as well as their personal relationships. This can be addressed by breast asymmetry surgery to correct breasts that are different sizes.
We offer surgical procedures including using implants to balance the aesthetic of the breasts. Rest assured our approach is always professional with understanding and compassion at the centre of what we do. An uneven bust can affect your lifestyle and your self-esteem but we can help balance your breasts with surgery.
At LASE Cosmetic we offer minimal access procedures that can keep scarring to a minimum and make recovery easier. If you would like to discuss how breast asymmetry surgery could improve your body image.
Breast asymmetry surgery is the umbrella term for procedures that correct breasts that may appear uneven. This type of breast rejuvenation surgery is specifically offered to balance the appearance of the breasts, whether that be to enlarge one with an implant or reduce one with breast reduction. While no two breasts are ever identical, we can make breasts look more uniform.
Breast Asymmetry Surgery
from £6000
Frequently Asked Questions
Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.
How can breast asymmetry correction surgery improve your appearance?
Patients often choose surgery to rectify asymmetry to feel more comfortable and confident in their body. Breast asymmetry surgery permanently changes the position of one or both breasts. We also offer various types of breast surgery including breast reduction if you’re more concerned with size rather than placement of breasts.
Who is suitable for this type of breast surgery?
Women who wish to create a more uniform appearance to the breasts are most suitable for this type of surgery. In most cases, women are left with the result after puberty is finished, so it’s best to wait until this period of time is over in order to see the best results long term. For this reason it’s unlikely surgery would be offered to women under 18-21.
What happens during breast asymmetry surgery?
During breast asymmetry correction surgery one or both breasts are corrected to create balance. This may include the insertion of an implant. The technique your surgeon chooses will depend on the severity of the asymmetry and the quality of the skin and tissue, as well as your goals.
This type of breast surgery takes 1.5-2 hours, on average but this will vary depending on the patient. Before your surgery your surgeon will discuss the risks and complications associated with this breast asymmetry procedure.
What is the recovery like?
After your surgery you may notice some swelling and soreness. Painkillers can be prescribed to manage any pain. You may be kept overnight to ensure you recover well.
Detailed aftercare information will be provided after the surgery to ensure you know how to care for your scars. You will also receive advice on when to return to work. Usually, patients usually take around 4-6 weeks to recover but this varies patient to patient.
Exercise should be avoided until you’re advised otherwise, and you should wear the compression garments provided. A follow up checkup allows your breast surgeon to make sure you’re healing well and the implants, if used, are settling well.
How long do the results of breast asymmetry surgery last?
The results are long term. The ageing process doesn’t stop, however, and your breasts may change as you get older.
Who should you trust to perform breast asymmetry surgery?
It’s advised you pick a cosmetic breast surgery expert if you’re considering asymmetry surgery. When it comes to this sort of procedure it’s best to speak to an expert with years of experience, and the surgeons at LASE Cosmetic here in Newcastle are specialists – so you know you’re in good hands.
If you decide to go ahead with any breast procedure, a skilled surgeon will talk you through the procedure and discuss your options based on your personal circumstances. Ensure your breast asymmetry surgery is done in the UK also for much greater protection.
Which implants do we use?
We use two of the leading breast implant manufacturers, GC Aesthetics and Motiva. Our surgeon will consult with you on the best option for your procedure, but the choice is ultimately up to you.
Where can you get more information?
Please contact us if you wish to request a breast asymmetry consultation or to confirm our breast asymmetry surgery prices. We are happy to discuss any type of breast surgery with you, and there is also more information on our breast and chest treatment pages.
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