Both men and women regulary benefit from upper arm lift surgery
Loose skin around the arms can result in soreness and skin problems. At LASE Cosmetic in Newcastle, we can offer arm lift surgery with discreet or minimal scar techniques. We always ensure you make informed, unhurried decisions to facilitate high patient satisfaction with brachiaplasty procedures.
We provide a professional service to address your concerns and goals. We offer a variety of surgical and non-surgical solutions to contour the body and improve skin appearance. If you would like to discuss how a brachiaplasty could improve your self-esteem.
Arm lift surgery is also known as brachiaplasty. This is a surgical procedure designed to reduce excess skin on the upper arms and create a firmer appearance. There are several techniques we can offer for brachiaplasty patients. Which you need is decided upon during a consultation with your surgeon.
Arm Lift Surgery
from £4000
Frequently Asked Questions
Making the decision to undergo surgical procedures can be a difficult one, and there are many questions you may have. Please read the frequently asked questions below which may answer any queries or ease any concerns you may have.
How can arm lift surgery improve your appearance?
Like procedures such as tummy tuck surgery, a brachiaplasty is a type of body contouring surgery. This means it’s designed to reduce excess skin, lift and tone, and improve the overall shape of a certain part of the body, in this case the upper arms. Our technique provides virtually invisible arm lift surgery.
Due to the varying types of surgery available, the overall improvements will vary, but the aim is to reduce excess unwanted skin, remove bingo wings and leave you feeling happier in the way your body looks overall.
Who is suitable for this type of surgery?
Surgery to rejuvenate the upper arms is sought by both men and women seeking to remove bingo wings that may have developed as a result of extreme weight loss or age. A consultation is vital to determine whether this is the most appropriate procedure for you. You could also opt for a mini arm lift surgery.
What happens during arm lift surgery?
Your brachiaplasty surgeon will make a long incision on the inner arm in order to remove excess skin and fat. This incision will vary in size and location depending on what you wish to achieve but this will be discussed with you before the procedure takes place.
In most cases both arms are treated at the same time. The unwanted fat and skin is removed and in some cases liposculpture or fat removal surgery is combined with brachiaplasty. The incision is then closed and you’re taken to a ward to rest.
This type of body rejuvenation surgery takes 2 hours, on average, but this will vary depending on the patient.
What is the recovery like?
Patients are given full aftercare information, including how to care for your scars and when you’re likely to be able to return to work. On average, patients usually take around 4-6 weeks to recover but this varies patient to patient.
How long do the results of arm lift surgery last?
Providing you don’t gain weight again the results will be long lasting. You will have a scar but for the most part we provide invisible arm lift surgery, most patients agree this is a fair trade for a rejuvenated look. If you are considering arm lift surgery it’s better to do so at the end of your weight loss journey.
Who should you trust to perform arm lift surgery?
Here at LASE Cosmetic in Newcastle we have a team of plastic surgeons and body contouring experts ready to treat you. If you decide to go ahead with brachiaplasty surgery, our team of skilled surgeons will give you honest advice on how best to book and undergo an arm lift.
Is arm lift surgery painful?
Not usually. Like any surgery there is some discomfort afterwards but most of our patients stop requiring pain relief after a few days. Occasionally discomfort or pain can last longer. Our surgeons will always discuss risks and the expected post-op experience before any surgical procedure.
Does arm lift surgery leave scars?
Yes. Traditional arm lift leaves a scar along the inner aspect of the upper arm. However, at LASE we can offer ‘secret scar’ armlift that is performed through a combination of liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening – this option results in 2-3 small, discrete scars on the arm that are almost un-noticable.
Where can you get more information?
Please contact us if you wish to request a consultation on our affordable arm lift surgery. We are happy to discuss any type of body contouring surgery with you and there’s also more information on our treatment pages.
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