When will the LASE Cosmetic clinic reopen?

Every-day we receive calls or messages from our wonderful and loyal patients asking when we are going to reopen for business. We are immensely grateful that our patients remain keen to return to us. The honest answer is that we still do not know but the recent government advice appears to suggest that we should be able to do so within the next few weeks. This assumption is based on a number of important issues. The most important is whether or not the UK suffers another spike in Covid19 cases. It is crucial that we all play our part in minimising the likelihood of this happening for all our sakes. At LASE Cosmetic our intention is that all patient appointments will be preceded with a questionnaire to ensure no prospective patients have suffered symptoms suggestive of coronavirus infection. In some cases we might arrange swab tests for patients before undertaking surgery.

When a patient attends an appointment you will notice some changes at the clinic. We will have bigger gaps between appointments in order to keep patients separated and thus safer, so our waiting room will appear a little empty. Sadly, based on government advice,  it is likely we will have to refrain from offering refreshments such as tea and coffee. Appointments will need to be strictly to time, again to keep patients separated – so late attendance might mean we cancel and reschedule and patients arriving early might be asked to wait in their car until their allocated appointment time.

Some services might not be immediately resume, as they might be higher risk compared other procedures but we have not yet made a final decision upon these. To keep patients and staff safe we might ask patients to wear surgical masks while they are on site and this might make some injectable treatments impossible to perform.

Local anaesthetic surgery might resume before general anaesthetic surgery, but we will take advice from our expert anaesthetists before confirming this. If so, when appropriate and possible, patients might be asked if they would prefer to undergo their surgery under local anaesthetic instead of general anaesthetic if it means they wait less time. The decision will always remain with the patient and will not be something we encourage one way or the other.

No matter when we reopen, our policy will be to do so in as safe a manner as we reasonably can. The ethos of our husband and wife owners, Ahmed & Lisa Ali-Khan, has always been to put patient safety first and that has not changed. Patients before profit is the foundation of LASE Cosmetic.

We look forward to seeing you all soon and we will post an opening date on all our platforms as soon as we have one confirmed. Stay safe and stay well.

For more information on any of our services, contact us here.

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Want to join our team? We are hiring - [Click here](https://lasecosmetic.com/careers-at-lase-cosmetic/) to find out more