If a patient is beginning to notice for example lines around the eyes they may seek advice as to whether a Blepharoplasty or Face Lift may help. In some cases particularly when the patient is older this may be the only option but in some cases there are alternative treatments available (Tweakments).

As the skin ages it loosens and begins to sag and so surgical excision of the skin will offer the best result however in younger patients where the skin has not begun to sag yet, the use of Anti-Wrinkle Treatments such as Botox or Dermal Filler can offer a suitable alternative. Of course Aesthetic Treatments are often temporary but they can work well in slowing down the ageing process until Cosmetic Surgery is required.

Here at LASE Cosmetic our services are unique. Our husband and wife team Mr Ahmed and Mrs Lisa Ali-Khan offer a comprehensive range of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgery procedures using a start to finish approach so we can look after our patients needs in a friendly yet still discreet environment.

Mr Ahmed Ali-Khan

Mr Ahmed Ali-Khan is a highly experienced and skilled Plastic Surgeon who gained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS (Plast.)) in 2009 and is listed as a Plastic Surgeon on the specialist register of the General Medical Council (GMC). Mr Ali-Khan’s plastic surgery career began in 1997 and he has extensive experience in aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures and reconstructive plastic surgery. Mr Ali-Khan has a specialist interest in cosmetic breast and abdominal work, in addition to surgical and non-surgical rejuvenation of the face. In his NHS practice he specialises in complex abdominal and lower limb reconstruction, breast surgery, paediatric plastic surgery and skin cancer, as well as hand and facial trauma reconstruction.

Mrs Lisa Ali-Khan RGN

Mrs Lisa Ali-Khan is an experienced and successful Aesthetic Practitioner. She is a Nursing Sister having qualified as a Registered General Nurse at York Hospital in 1997. She has previously worked in cardiac intensive care, at the world famous Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire, and in Accident & Emergency in Bristol. She founded her own aesthetic (cosmetic) practice in Bristol in 2003, where she developed a very loyal and satisfied patient base. Lisa has extensive experience in non-surgical treatments such as:

For more information on how we can help you, please contact us or request a consultation here. We look forward to meeting you and finding out how we can help.

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Want to join our team? We are hiring - [Click here](https://lasecosmetic.com/careers-at-lase-cosmetic/) to find out more