The Selfie Surgery: a new service from LASE Cosmetic

What is it?

It allows patients to privately and confidentially upload a selfie of themselves to us so we can assess what facial aesthetics may suit them. Alongside the image, they can inform us what aspect of their face concerns them and what procedure (if known) they might wish to learn about.

Our clinical experts are trained in a wide range of the latest facial aesthetics and will evaluate the image and concern before offering free advice. If requested a video consultation can be offered, with the opportunity to organise a face to face consultation once Covid19 restrictions have been eased or lifted. All communication is confidential and free, any images supplied shall only be used for the purposes of the consultation and will be subsequently deleted afterwards.

Why are you introducing this?

We have noticed an increase in enquiries for nonsurgical and surgical facial aesthetics  and procedures during the lockdown. These enquiries have ranged from asking about skin care, such as the excellent ZO SkinHealth range, dermal fillers all the way up to facelift and neck lift surgery.

The lockdown and associated restrictions have changed the way we do business as well as communicate with each other socially, possibly for good. Video calling platforms have resulted in individuals, who might not have previously seen themselves on screen or in a selfie, noticing features that did not trouble or concern them previously.

We thought it might benefit our patients to offer a simple and free opinion on what facial aesthetics might work best for them, along with our usual mix of honesty and high standards. As always there will be no ‘sales talk’ from us, if you simply want an opinion and some advice we are here to help without obligation.

Sounds great! How do I get involved?

Visit our selfie surgery form here and follow the instructions to upload your selfie and query. Remember to try and take your photo in an area of good natural light. We will endeavour to respond as soon as we can with feedback. Please note currently we are only offering the service for facial procedures.

Please view our privacy policy to be further assured how we protect your personal information.

We look forward to reopening our clinic and seeing you soon.

For more information on any of our services, contact us here.


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