As we enter the new year and people are scrambling to dig out their gym membership to perfect their ideal body image, we ask the question: “where do you turn when diet and exercise isn’t achieving the results you desire?”

We meet people every week who are following the script perfectly, eating healthily and exercising regularly but still aren’t entirely happy. When they start to consider external factors such as age, gender and genetics they realise all the exercise in the world isn’t going to remove the features inherited from a long line of ancestors.

We are all individual and we all have personal goals. Safe and thoroughly tested non-surgical treatments can also be considered as a route to achieve our goals when we aren’t seeing results from more traditional methods.

CoolSculpting is one option to help target specific areas of stubborn fat. The only FDA approved fat freezing treatment on the market. It doesn’t require any anaesthesia or needles making it a low risk and comfortable method for effective treatment of this kind. The results are truly amazing! It works by targeting stubborn areas of fat and freezing those cells permanently.  These cells are then naturally absorbed and dispelled by the body  

CoolSculpting is especially useful for the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Bra fat
  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Waist
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

For more information, come along to our event on 31st January at our Jesmond clinic where you will see live demonstrations of the CoolSculpting process. The event is free to attend but spaces are limited so you must book. Call us on 0191 389 7090 to reserve your place.

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Want to join our team? We are hiring - [Click here]( to find out more