According to data collated by BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) males choosing cosmetic surgery has increased by 110%, a whopping 4615 males chose to go under the knife in 2015 alone.

This story has hit the headlines as the data is said to be surprisingly higher than expected however as a surgeon myself I am not surprised at all, in fact I would have expected the numbers to be higher. I have always had a good gender mix in my clinic but what I can say is that I think it has become more acceptable for males to share the details of their procedures too in recent years. Plastic Surgery is no longer just for women, male patients are comfortable sharing their stories and admitting to surgery too, even taking the odd selfie and uploading to social media.

So what are the most common types of male cosmetic Surgery procedures?

A tough question however I think the Male Breast Reduction is probably the most commonly sought. Male Breast Reduction is performed to correct the symptoms of Gynaecomastia, often referred to as ‘Man Boobs’. Gynaecomastia is a medical condition, many people assume that the symptoms are weight related and confined to those whos’ weight is outside the parameters of a healthy BMI, which is not always true. The condition usually becomes obvious during a males pubescent years as it is usually connected to a hormone imbalance however the intake of certain medication and medical predisposition can sometimes be related causes. In the same way that some women have larger breasts than others, males do too. Gynaecomastia is caused by an excess of either glandular proliferation or fatty tissue and in some cases both. The aim of the surgery is to create a more shapely and symmetrical chest contour with minimal scarring.

Facial Surgery is always popular if a person is conscious of a bump in the nose or ageing around the eyes; for women make up can help but for males this is much more difficult making surgery an accessible option. Rhinoplasty is a popular procedure sought by males, surgery is performed to create a functional, aesthetic, and facially proportionate nose by altering the size or shape, the span of the nostrils and/or the angle between the nose and the upper lip. The shape of the nose can be predisposed, family members often share features however the shape could also be a result of congenital defect or a sports trauma particularly in males.

The Blepharoplasty is carried out to correct the appearance of the eyes either due to fatty deposits or excessive skin which can cause sagging eyelids and in some cases impair vision. As we grow older the eyes are probably the first area to really show the signs of ageing, this procedure can be carried out under local anaesthetic with a relatively short downtime making it a very appealing option. It’s often one of those procedures where your friends and family look but can’t quite put their finger on whats different about you but that improved body image is restored again.

Liposuction will always be one of the most popular procedures in both males and females, many male patients choose Lipo to address stubborn fatty deposits that are difficult to shift through diet and exercise alone. Liposuction can be used to sculpt and contour the body but must be used for this reason alone and should not be confused with a weight loss option. There are different types of Liposuction available, most of which require little recovery time and can be carried out under Local Anaesthetic. These options should be discussed to determine which is most suitable during consultation.

For more information on how we can help you, please contact us or request a consultation here. We look forward to meeting you and finding out how we can help.

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