Many of us have minor skin lesions that are annoying but not suspicious. Not the sort of thing that we would trouble our GPs about but things we would like removing anyway as they irritate, catch, or are simply unsightly. For such concerns LASE has introduced our new ‘See and Treat’ clinic.

Offered at LASE Cosmetic’s luxury aesthetic clinic in Jesmond, Newcastle, the service involves a complimentary assessment with one of our consultant plastic surgeons, who are experts in skin lesion removal and skin surgery. Skin Lesions can range from:

  • Skin tags
  • Benign moles
  • Warts

If considered appropriate* and after a full explanation of the risks of treatment, immediate treatment/removal can be arranged. Removal might involve the lesion being frozen nonsurgically (cryotherapy), or skin lesion surgery options such as a surgical shave or full excision (requiring sutures) can be considered. The whole consultation and treatment take about an hour. The service is limited to a max of 3 lesions per patient (please contact us if you have more you would like removing).

Patients who are interested will be triaged in advance by one of the team, and eventually through our new ‘see and treat’ webpage (coming soon) to ensure the service is right for you.

Nonsurgical treatments start at £300** and Surgical treatments start at £400**. For complete peace of mind and a formal diagnosis of the lesion, tissue removed surgically can be sent to our laboratory for analysis (laboratory analysis starts at £250).

“See and Treat’ clinics will be held at LASE on a monthly basis so you can be sure that assessment and treatment can be offered conveniently and efficiently.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us.


*Exclusions apply and include (but are not limited to):

  • patients on blood thinning medication;
  • patients on immunosuppressant medication;
  • patients with significant co-morbidities;
  • patients with more than 3 lesions;
  • lesions >1cm diameter;
  • lesions found to be suspicious on examination;
  • lesions on genitalia or peri-anal lesions;


**For one lesion. 2-3 lesions cost slightly more


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Want to join our team? We are hiring - [Click here]( to find out more