What is the difference between a Breast Augmentation and Breast Reduction?

Breast Augmentation

There are several reasons why a patient may choose Breast Augmentation, the most common reasons are:

  • Correction of genetic or breast malformity that has occurred during puberty including asymmetry
  • Naturally small breasts
  • Changes in the breasts following childbirth and/or breast feeding
  • Loss of volume as a result of weight loss

Women suffering from any of these concerns can often encounter issues with body image and self-confidence which can be restored with surgery such as Breast Augmentation.

The placement of a breast implant is designed to create a shapely and voluminous breast. During your consultation we will discuss the result you would like to achieve and how this can be achieved whether that be by placing the implant sub-muscularly or over the muscle. The range of breast implants we use is extensive with a catalogue of sizes, shapes and projections, the most suitable size for you will depend on your existing breast and the range of measurements taken during your consultation, these vary from person to person.

Breast Implants today are the safest and most durable that they have ever been with the technology available. Our goal is to provide a result which is aesthetically pleasing, which is in proportion and which is long lasting.

It is common for breast reduction surgery to be combined with a breast lift

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction surgery is carried out to reduce the size of the breasts, for many patients, having larger breasts can be uncomfortable and affect self-confidence. Patients with larger breasts often suffer with neck and back pain, sometimes skin irritation under the breast fold and the pressure of bra straps on the shoulders can be uncomfortable which in turn can affect posture.

Breast Reduction surgery is considered major surgery however the risk will depend on the extent of the reduction. The result will achieve a reduction of volume, lifting of the breast and overall a much improved shape to the breasts, it might help reduce or alleviate the neck and back pain caused pre-surgery.

For more information on how we can help you, please contact us or request a consultation here. We look forward to meeting you and finding out how we can help.

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