Supermodel Linda Evangelista was in the press recently after suffering a complication of fat freezing known as Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH).

She bravely went public about her experience and has been in the press again to show that despite the affect it has had on her, even after liposuction to improve the problem, she is proud of who she is and wants to encourage other patients to remain proud if they too have suffered complications.

PAH is uncommon and can occur after any fat-freezing treatment. Ms. Evangelista underwent the CoolSculpting procedure and as LASE is the only provider of CoolSculpting in Newcastle and the North East we spoke to our non-surgical lead, Lisa Ali-Khan. Lisa said,

“Linda underwent fat freezing to treat some areas of fat which she expected to shrink. Normally that is exactly what we would expect to happen but, in this case, the opposite occurred. The area of unwanted fat grew which we can all understand caused her upset and distress.

Luckily the risk of this is low (thought to be less than 1%) but it is such an important risk, when I see patients for fat freezing at LASE Cosmetic in Jesmond, it is one of the first risks I warn patients about. I don’t know if Linda was warned in advance as she should have been.”

Lisa continues, “Though the risk is uncommon it can often be improved with liposuction. Obviously, this is a surgical solution to a nonsurgical complication but the LASE approach is, whenever possible, to suggest a potential solution for our patients if complications occur.

All aesthetic treatments can have complications, though they are uncommon in experienced hands, but some providers give the aesthetic sector a bad name by ignoring or refusing to see patients who are suffering from them.

I believe I am the only full-time, non-surgical aesthetic practitioner in Newcastle who works alongside consultant plastic surgeons. This means we have all possible options available for our patients to consider whether that be choice of treatment when we first meet, to options to correct problems if they were to occur. I believe this makes LASE unique in the North East.”


If you would like more information on the Coolsculpting treatment please contact us, we will be happy to give you an honest opinion and understanding of what the treatment entails and if it is the right treatment for you.

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