Breast augmentation surgery is a procedure where implants are added to the breasts to increase their size, it is often more commonly known as a boob job. This surgery can be transformative for women who are self-conscious or lack confidence in their breasts, but the decision to have surgery is a significant one. Therefore, it’s important to have as much information as possible to confirm that it is definitely the right option for you. In this guide, we will be covering the key information you need to know about breast augmentation surgery and how our specialist surgeons can support you on that journey.

What is involved in breast augmentation surgery?

Breast enlargement surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic with the procedure taking around 1-2 hours depending on the specific needs of the patient. The surgeon creates cuts beneath the breast and places the implants either between the breast tissue and chest muscle or behind the chest muscle. This positioning will be discussed with you during your consultation prior to surgery. The incisions are then stitched and covered with dressings, and you are taken to recover on the ward. The procedure is usually day surgery but occasionally might involve an overnight stay.

Benefits of breast surgery

Breast augmentation can achieve several cosmetic goals including:

  • Improving or altering the shape of the breasts
  • Adding volume to breasts that might be considered as too small or disproportionate to the rest of the body
  • Providing symmetry to uneven breasts
  • Restoring a more youthful and feminine appearance to breasts that have lost volume or elasticity as a result of ageing
  • Increasing breast fullness and height after substantial weight loss or pregnancy (breast lift surgery)

One of the biggest benefits of breast implant surgery is the positive impact it has on your mental health and overall self-esteem. Additionally, it can make a difference to your psychosocial and sexual wellbeing too.

What is the recovery like for breast augmentation?

It normally takes a few weeks to fully recover from breast augmentation surgery and there will be some swelling and tenderness initially. In some cases, you might be kept overnight to help monitor your wellbeing and support recovery. Patients are prescribed painkillers to manage discomfort post-surgery.

It is recommended that you take a week to two weeks off work, and you shouldn’t drive for at least one week. After two to three weeks you should be able to go back to most of your daily activities but not vigorous activity, such has exercise, which should be avoided for a month. After a few months your breasts should begin to look and feel more natural.

You will be provided with full aftercare information following your procedure and a follow up appointment will be made, so your surgeon can check your healing and that the implants are settling well.

Breast screening with implants

It’s important to be aware that you can still get breast cancer with implants, so if you’re eligible for breast screening you should get them done regularly. Mammograms are safe and don’t pose a risk to the implant. It is important to let the person conducting your mammogram know if you have breast implants. This is because X-rays aren’t able to fully pass through them, so the mammogram may need to be done in a different way to ensure as much of the breast tissue as possible can be seen.

How many sizes can you go up with breast augmentation?

Many women looking for breast enlargement often want to increase their breast size by only one or two cups. However, you can have larger implants to enhance the size further if you are suitable. The maximum size implants you can have will vary patient to patient depending on the shape of your body and other key factors.

There can be a lot of variation in the shapes and sizes of the implants so it’s important to find the right ones for your body. Implant sizes will be discussed with your surgeon during your initial consultation to ensure your desired sizes are safe and your expectations of breast augmentation surgery are realistic.

Is breast augmentation surgery right for you?

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, you should weigh up all the factors before making your decision. It is a major surgery and can take a little while to recover from, but for many women it can truly be life changing and transform their body confidence. For such a significant and important aesthetic surgery, you should use the best possible surgeons to make the process as safe and smooth as possible.

Looking for breast augmentation in Newcastle? LASE Cosmetic can ensure you get a premium experience from start to finish. Our breast, plastic surgeons are industry leaders and well-known within their field for delivering amazing results in several types of breast surgery including augmentation. Request a consultation with us today to get started and please contact us if you have any questions or queries.


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